– a Summer Wheat Ale from Magic Hat


published June 3, '15

A Facts of Beer Quickie on Stealin' Time from Magic Hat

With packaging even Roy Lichenstein would be proud of, this six-pack shouts out loudly on the shelf, "Grab Me!!"


Cost is $9.49 a six pack making a 12 oz bottle $1.58.


At 7 in Degrees Lovibond this is a Deep Gold beer.

The flavor starts light; whispers of hops and ginger.


The middle is hoppy, bubbly, and strikingly bitter, but not overpowering.

It ends clean and sharp with a hard beat of ginger that trails off begging for more.

The Magic Hat website is very modern and up to date and they are very active on social media sites.  There is a dedicated page for Stealin' Time with plenty of details.


Noted at 5.5% ABV, check it out at MagicHat.net.

Final rating:  5 out of 5 Caps


Smooth, complex, a surprising gingery flavor – be sure to get a six pack before this seasonal brew is gone!

This beer is an experience.