— a premium lager from Full Sail Brewing


published Oct 9 ’14

At least a dozen times, I looked at the Session on the big-box store shelf, then reached for something else.  Each time I was back at that store shopping for beer, I stood there looking at these pudgy, squatty little bottles and the quirky packaging and wondered if I should try it.   But then, I wouldn’t;  I’d again grab something else.  What a waste of time…

Then finally the day came when I had already drank my way through the thin selection at that store.  I convinced myself to try Session and I decided that if nothing else I’d at least get a kick out of reading the six-pack.  That and telling my family about how the bottles reminded me of my grandfather drinking Schaefer beer on the Jersey Shore, and sharing just a little with me.  No sunscreen, no seatbelts, and a little beer to put some hair on your chest.  Yeah, being a kid during the 70’s was great times, man.

So, I bought the Session, and it was all good!  The packaging is fun, smart and witty. The pudgy 11 oz bottles fit right with the simple red, white and black coloring – the whole thing’s a blend of modern and throw-back.  It almost looks as if someone drew the beer bottles on the six pack with their bare hands.  But it also has that modern, quirky, trendiness with the bottle saying “Do I look fat?” and a check list of Micro, Macro, Import, and None of the Above checked off.  Silly, odd, but enticing all the same.  It’s like 2014 attitude set in 1972.

But the best part is what you’ll find under the cap.  Not just the beer — I’ll get to that.  Under each cap is one of three drawings – rock, paper or scissors.  Hysterical!  My son and his roommate have collected three of each and when they are trying to decide whose turn it is to clean up the mess in the livingroom or who has to load the dishwasher, out come the Session caps.  What a trip!

From the Brewer
A product of Full Sail Brewing — an independent brewer based out of Hood River, Oregon — Session Lager is one of three of their beers in the Session lineup. Their website is clean and uncluttered with links to their apparel store and a calendar of events going on in their area.  I’ve never been to Oregon, but now I want to go to at least visit the brewery.  It’s a pretty cool website.  The whole website vibe fits right in with the style of the packaging.

With 5.1% alcohol by volume, Session Lager is noted as an all-malt, pre-Prohibition style lager that’s flavorful, refreshing, and has a touch of that import-style taste.

Utilizing both the long version and the pocket sized BeerColor.com scales, Session is a solid eight in degrees Lovibond which makes it a Deep Gold beer.

Although I’m sure it’s been around for a while and has a faithful fan base, Session Lager is brand new to me.  As I mentioned before, my first experience with it was earlier this year.  As I was about to pour my first bottle, a friend of my son noticed it and started blurting, “Where did you get that!  It’s my Dad’s FAVORITE beer!…”  He seemed shocked I had purchased it here in Florida as his father had not seen it outside Long Island, NY.  Needless to say, after all the accolades of the previous moment, I couldn’t wait to taste this brew.

Session Lager has a slightly bitter but clean start.  The middle taste is complex with the bitter yielding to a fruity sweetness.  The sweetness stays through the end and really begs for more.  It is one of those beers you don’t want to set down.

I think its best matched with a plate of barbeque ribs or some mac and cheese.  It goes well with comfort food because Session is a comfort beer.

Session is just delicious.

Final Facts
Name:  Session
Packaging:  Pudgy bottles, modern attitude in a throwback style
Type:  Premium Lager
Alcohol by Volume:  5.1 %
Color: 8 degL – Deep Gold
Taste:  Complex bitter start but ends sweet
Price:  $6.96 six pack
11 oz bottle: $1.16
Final rating: 5 out of 5 Caps

Session Lager has plain packaging and a plain price, but it delivers a delicious beer.